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  • Writer's pictureDenae J. Davis

Fin! (-ish).

Today is my last day of interning with the elderly and mental health. I've discovered that the regardless of how it may have felt in the moment, the past few months have actually gone by like a breeze. I think when I first started in this internship I found the 16 hours of free labor to be such a drag, and I attribute that to the lack of support I felt in the other 152 hours of my week. Once I transitioned back into a work environment that supported me and encouraged me for at least 30 hours of my week, I found that I had less obstacles to being successful.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to have learned about mental health services for the elderly demographic, but have solidified that neither are areas of interest to me as it pertains to social work.

One thing I will say though, is recognizing the importance of self-care is huge. Mental health is important, and how fitting that it's mental health awareness month? I will boldly and proudly say that I have seen mental health counselors, one as recent as within this past year. I've heard a saying that goes, "we go to the doctor when our body doesn't feel well, so why don't we feel comfortable going to a counselor when our mind doesn't feel well?" It's literally the most elementary way of explaining the importance of taking care of your mind.

Also, finding a counselor that has your interest in mind and not their bank account, that's another importance.

Having been in the capacity of a mental health counselor for the past (almost) 10 months, I've learned that every detail matters. Which is why I say "-ish" to my Fin!... I'm not done yet. While today is my last day of internship, I will be seeing a client for what we call a "warm hand-off" next week. I will be introducing my client to their new service provider as my services were completed and they transitioned to a new program. Sometimes that warm hand-off is what it takes for a client to continue to be successful - because it shows that they matter. They know that they're in good hands and safe, and they know that they're supported.

Support each other, my friends. Have you called or texted that friend you've been thinking about, but "haven't gotten around to it"? Don't wait. A note to say hi is sometimes more impacting than you realize.

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