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  • Writer's pictureDenae J. Davis

First Year Recap

The countdown is much closer to completion. This is my last week of internship and next week is the last week of school (I think). In the grand scheme of things, I can’t believe how quickly this first year of grad school has gone by. To recap this school-year: I lost a lot of sleep; I gained friends and study partners; I bought and moved into a house (no more apartment life!); I worked outside of my comfort zone; I solidified the fact that I have absolutely no desire to work in the realm of mental health and applaud those who do; I have found that I struggle with my professors wishing to be called by their first name, instead of “Dr. _____” and it still bugs me even though it’s their preference; and I have learned that if I can make all of my assignments happen at the beginning of the semester, the rest is less stressful (this my friends - is a free pro-tip from me to you).

Overall, I’m excited to be finishing the school year. I can’t wait for summer to begin and for me to have a slight sense of normalcy even if it’s only for a couple months. I can’t wait to enjoy the little things like sleeping in till 6:45, or getting off work at 5:00 PM. I can’t wait to have more flexibility with life and to feel less of a shell and more of a person.

I’m also excited to be able to spend more time hunting for the perfect décor for the home! I have really gotten into the idea of making the home look nice, but I don’t have a lot of time in my current schedule to spend shopping around on the prowl for good deals. My first goal is to complete the living room. It’s about 90%, but I want it to be more of a “home” than it is right now.

Also, I leave for Ghana in 20 days. I’m nervous as all heck. I’ve doubted myself and told myself that it won’t be a successful trip… I mean, I’m still waiting to get my passport and visa back. I’m also not 100% complete with the curriculum and don’t have my “presentation” ready. 20 days. I present in 22. I have no wiggle room. But the biggest question is and will always be, what am I going to wear?

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